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Instapot Lemon Chicken

Craving something tart I got just the thing! I don’t know about you guys but I love lemons. There is something about their sour, and light flavor that is so refreshing. I keep a stash of them next to my sink so I can toss them in a dish or add them to my water. If you like lemons like I do this is a dish for you.

Ingredients: 2 chicken breasts 1/3 cup champagne vinegar 2 lemons halved and juiced (2-3 tablespoons) 2 tablespoons chopped garlic (about 7 cloves) 1 tablespoon of butter 1 teaspoon herbs de providence Salt and pepper to taste Add chicken to instapot. Cover chicken with champagne vinegar, lemon juice and lemons. Next rub and add garlic, butter, herbs de providence, salt and pepper to the chicken. Marinade for 15 minutes then cook on poultry and enjoy! I served this with green beans, and cauliflower rice topped with walnuts and it was delicious! 🤪 Notes: If you don’t have an instapot you can bake or use a slow cooker as well

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