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Gluten-free Cashew Butter Vegan Brownies

Heathy brownies say what?! Yep that's what I was thinking 🤔 but dang they are good, so good I had second servings!! 😜😁😁😁 and didn't feel bad about it. These brownies are oowe gooie and delicious. Add a little bit of raspberries and coconut milk we are in business. The recipe is from FareToned and I added a few changes to it, because one I didn't have a baking powder, and two my bananas were slightly green still so I added a little bit of maple syrup to mine, the results were tasty! The recipe goes like this..


3 bananas 5 tablespoons of cashew butter

5 tablespoons of cacao powder

1/4 teaspoon (of a cream of tartar & baking soda mix) to create baking powder

2 teaspoons maple syrup 2 dashes of cinnamon

Raspberries to garnish

Coconut cream to garnish

Instructions: 1. Blend in a food processor till you have a consistent thick batter.

2. Then plop it in a small baking tin that's lined with wax paper, and bake at 375 till for 15-20 minutes. *I like my brownies super gooie.

3. Garnish with frozen red raspberries and cold coconut cream! And enjoy

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